Experience first, productivity second

How can you improve developer productivity without knowing their pain?

A lot is expected from developers these days.

Everything has a “…as code” suffix:

Infrastructure as code,

Configuration as code,

Security as code,

plain ‘ol code as code.

The expectation of cross-capability from developers is absolutely a business benefit,

but it can also be a liability.

Because devs are asked to do so much, there’s often a lot of friction that slows down the progress of their work.

It’s vitally important that before you make any changes to improve developer productivity, you understand your developers’ experience.

To understand their experience you’re going to have to talk to them.

Not just a survey but actually sit down and map out their journey.

What do they do? What tools don’t play nice together? What parts of their job are painful? Slow? Arduous?

Only when you understand the pains can you apply the solutions.

Interactive workshops are great for this. I’ve seen great success with them in identifying pain points as well as solutions.



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